Replicas Uncensored
The Tactic Of Negative Postings
The Replica watch industry is not a cheap business, millions of dollars are involved in it, and so other companies start such campaigns to do negative postings for popular businesses. They often go to the extreme levels, and hire people and companies from countries like India, Bangladesh to do negative postings.
Negative Postings are a tactic to destroy the famous businesses; the purpose is to keep the customers away from the good stuff and sell them cheap replicas. That’s why they can be found everywhere over the internet.
Real feedbacks and negative postings are two different things. It is the fact that one real feedback needs to be earned, but a negative posting doesn’t involve any such thing. In today’s world, it is easy to go over internet, write a negative posting, and post it on different media like forums, blogs or review sites.
In reality, every firm or a company can have an unhappy customer but it is a fact that it can be a fake posting. It is a goal of many companies to distract the customer from the right path and sell them to purchase low quality replicas. At the end, a customer gets a cheap low quality watch. A negative posting has more negative effect for the sake of the customer rather than a company.
Just think that how long it will take for you to get online, and post couple hundreds negative postings on many different blogs and forums? It will take only a few minutes so what’s difficulty in that. Compare it to a real positive feedback on a site. Just imagine how long it would have taken to be able to publish on the site. It is highly advised that look at the real feedbacks, not the fake negative postings.
For your further satisfaction, we listed some of fact that you should know.
- We ship from A LOT OF DIFFERENT WAREHOUSES AROUND THE WORLD SO WE ALWAYS DELIVER and that is a clear indication that we sell only Swiss made Quality watches.
- References make it easy for customers to take decisions. We have thousands of references on our site
- We give 2 years exclusive warranties on our products.
- We accept all leading credit cards, and that means that you have 0% risk.
- Our response time to emails is one hour. Even large stores like don’t respond so quickly.
- By purchasing our products, you get 7 days inspection period with no restocking fee.
Role of Credit Cards in Company – Customer Relationship
When talking about satisfaction and peace of mind, credit card payments are second to none. We are licensed merchants of visa and MC. What does that mean to you? By undergoing a lengthy scrutiny, we are able to take your credit card payments. We are licensed Visa and MC merchants and that mean so much to us because you need nothing other than this for a secure payment. We are obligated to ship what we advertise; otherwise our charging privileges will be revoked. Banks are always there to support their customers in the form of credit card payment, so if you ever feel uncomfortable with the quality, you have rights to recourse.
For your further satisfaction, we have some text to show you that comes straight from an authority.
“The strongest protections are when you pay with credit card”, says Carole Reynolds, a senior lawyer at the Federal Trade Commission. “Under the truth in Lending Act, a consumer’s maximum liability for unauthorized use of their credit card is only $50, and when a card is used online, it’s ZERO.”
Here is the link to the full article.
The shipping factor
We are going to show you another factor that truly counts. It is shipping of the products that you order. Most of the sites that sell replica watches online are based in one country. The watch that you will receive is not going to be hassle free as it will be involving the customs and the origin from where it is shipped. There is a big chance that your ordered product may get confiscated. On the other hand, we have the shipping outlets worldwide that makes it possible to get your order on time.
Communication factor
Communication factor is another decisive factor that can simplify and clarify the identification process of Good and Bad. Try emailing few of companies that you can find online. There is a significant chance that you are not going to get a response from them. Figure it out that what you are going to get after your order if they are not even to respond you before the order.
Most of The companies hire calling centers to respond to their customers so you will be asked a SKU number or such information that can clarify that you are talking to a call center representative. On the other hand, we have highly knowledgeable and English speaking staff that can satisfy all your queries even before your purchase. Our after sales services are second to none because we believe that our customers are our assets. No company would want to let their asset go away. Our customers are our priority and we always ready to serve them in any way before and after sales.